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Firearms Catalogs

Discover all Beretta products in a catalog that is always updated from year to year. In addition to prices, you can find all the technical features with detailed descriptions of the guns divided by categories of use, the various versions available, and ample space for infographics that make them easy to understand. Not only that: also space to delve into Beretta technologies and "Gun Service packages designed to ensure maximum efficiency and product durability. In short, a comprehensive and indispensable guide to stay up-to-date on Beretta's evolutions and to choose the gun that's right for you. Being able to download the PDF version, and then save it to your device, is very simple: just fill out the form on this page to get access to the download.

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1301 Comp

1301 Comp Pro

1301 Tactical

486 Parallelo

486 Parallelo EL

486 Parallelo EL Tartarugato

686 Silver Pigeon I

686 Silver Pigeon I Sporting

687 EELL Classic

687 EELL Diamond Pigeon

687 EELL Diamond Pigeon Sporting

687 Silver Pigeon III

12 articles on 61

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