Numbers, countries, locations and governance
In 2021, Fabbrica d'Armi Pietro Beretta generated net sales of 250.5 million euros, classified by geography: 88.4 million North America, 56.1 million Italy, 38.8 million Europe, 67.2 million rest of the world for a total of 90 countries covered by the sales network. The daily actions of those involved in the Company are based on a profound work ethic, on moral values handed down over time, as well as on deep ties to the territory and to the people who live there.
Building on these pillars, Beretta knows how to adapt year after year to a rapidly evolving world in which there are many and increasingly strict standards and rules imposed by the market and the international community. For this reason, a Governance model has been prepared that can provide immediate and effective responses to Stakeholder expectations. Good measures that make Beretta an attractive company to welcome new and qualified professionals in all areas of work.

Company population
At the end of June 2022, the company population is 826 people. These are the words of Mr Franco Gussalli Beretta: «At Beretta, we look to the future with enthusiasm. We strongly believe in our “Made in Valtrompia” model, now also extended to the other companies of the Group located around the world, and we are ready to seize the opportunities on a market that requires ever greater adaptability. We will no longer offer ourselves just as creators of individual products of excellence but as solution providers, suppliers of integrated solutions. The future is already here».
Beretta Defense Technologies
In 2011 a strategic production and a trade alliance of 4 leading companies in the sector (Beretta, Benelli, Sako and Steiner) created Beretta Defence Technologies (BDT), in order to exploit jointly the different specializations and strengths of their respective brands and provide a unique (but complete) range of military products. Long guns, short guns, accessories, targeting systems, optics, ammunition and tactical clothing: a full range of items to meet the most rigorous operational requirements.
Supply chain and territory
Supporting tradition and innovating quality
BWe is one of the fundamental pillars in the company's vision
Respect and love for the environment guide us every day
We promote sustainable development by integrating people, planet and prosperity